Difference between Zeolite in capsules and powder

Zeolite and montmorillonite - Elkopur312

Properties and detoxifying effects

Our product Elkopur 312 >eolite


Following some requests from consumers and retailers, we contacted the Swiss company Elkomed, producer of the Elkopur312 product in the person of the technical manager of the project, Pharmaceutical Ing. Katharina Kogler, who provided us with the following clarifications:

- We are aware that in Germany there is the custom of taking zeolite powder and for this reason in the past we wanted to carry out laboratory research and tests to verify the safety and efficacy of the method of administration. We have found that the contact with the mucous membrane and saliva and the passage from the mouth to the stomach involves a substantial loss of adsorbing efficacy of the zeolite and a change of pH which cause acidity and gastric reflux in most subjects. For these reasons we do not supply powdered products.

- With Elkopur 312 it is not necessary to make long periods of intake as the very high efficacy of the product leads to tangible and lasting results within a few days (from 12 to 30 days are more than enough). - It should be noted that there are over 400 types of zeolite on the market with extremely different qualities and properties. A comparison of products based solely on the quantity of zeolite per dose without knowing with certainty the type of zeolite and the degree of purity is useless and misleading. The type of zeolite contained in .

- Elkopur 312 also contains another mineral earth, the Montmorillonite which allows a faster and safer evacuation of the zeolite with the captured toxins, simultaneously stimulating the beneficial intestinal bacterial flora (unlike other products containing only zeolite which can lead to intestinal).

- Montmorillonite has a higher cost than zeolite. For this reason and above all for the fact that adequate knowledge and experience in the chemical-pharmaceutical field is required, the formulation of Elkopur 312 with Mont-morillonite stands out as unique.

- The ratio between zeolite and mont-morillonite contained in a capsule is part of Elkomed's know-how.

With the hope of having provided more useful information to better understand the product and the Premium quality of Elkopur312, we take the opportunity to extend our best regards.

SCEN – Scientific and Natural